Tuesday 15 February 2011

The Journey begins....

Week 1: Personal

James Agee once said that “without adventure life would be nothing.” On the 2nd of February I boarded a plane bound for South Africa realising that I was leaving family and friends behind but excited that I was about to embark  on one of the most significant and unforgettable experiences of my life. 

It wasn’t until I actually sat on my seat on the first flight that it really dawned that I was leaving the comfort zone behind and that I was going to experience Africa for the first time and for a period of four months.  Although I have been given many opportunities to travel across the world to America and countries in Europe, I had never visited Africa.  I felt that experiencing the diverse culture and “lekka” attitude of South African people, this would enable me to enhance and develop me not simply on a professional basis but rather a personal level.

Our Journey overall lasted just over 30 hours altogether and we stopped off in Abu Dhabi in Saudi Arabia and the Capital of South Africa  Johannesburg before reaching our final destination of Port Elizabeth (PE).  We stepped off the aeroplane to be greeted with sunshine and heat, a complete contrast from leaving Northern Ireland and the rain.  As we proceeded through immigration it was apparent the influence and investment that had been made in preparing South Africa for the 2010 Football World Cup. The walls and floors had been draped in colour and welcome signs in all differing languages.  This automatic colourful and enlightened atmosphere helped me appreciate the pride and joy that the South African nation felt in hosting such a great event terms of world sport.

As we collected our luggage and moved into the arrival lounge we were met by members of NNMU (Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University) who were going to take us to our accommodation.  As we drove from the airport, I got my first glimpse of how different South Africa and indeed PE was in comparison to any place I have visited before.  We were soon made aware of the beauty of the coastline as our driver drove us to Brightways in Summerstand; our home for the next four months. The busy backdrop of a developing city coupled with blue clear skies and the crystal open sea made PE a tranquil and calming city.  I was welcomed to my accommodation by “Jo Jo” a South Africa native who was very helpful and informed us were the nearest amenities and other services were in relation to our accommodation, so  we could gather some things before heading to the University campus to find out contact for the trip Divinnia Philly. 
The next day we whisked off the bush with fifty other international students to the Umlambo Camp were we would be taking part in an international student orientation weekend.  I didn’t know what to expect and was quite apprehensive.  However, our first stop to us to a wildlife sanctuary we were given the opportunity to become familiar with the various animals found in South Africa, such as snakes, crocodiles and various other ‘friendly’ birds, reptiles and amphibians.  There were many students from various parts of  the USA, Finland, Germany and Sweden who all were taking part in exchange programmes, so it was interesting to listen and discuss what they had made of South Africa so far, as well as get close to some of the most dangerous animals in the world.  This was a really worthwhile activity as it immediately placed us out of our comfort zone and we all received the necessary information to be able to identify the deadly animals from the more friendly creatures.  Further it gave us a group some time to get to know each other a little better. 

We were all taken to campsite and had a traditional African lunch, which was needed after the long journey from PE.  The weekend consisted of getting to know you and team building games as well as NNMU sessions surrounding registration and other issues of studying at NNMU.  We all took part in the activities with enthusiasm and excitement and at the end of the day we met many different people from all walks of life who were going to be experiencing the same things we were while away from home.  Even when the heavens opened and the rain kept coming and coming, spirits remained on a high and we all had a great time on the weekend.  I can confidently state that we gained the necessary information needed for registration and also had the opportunity to meet various diverse and different people from all around the world.

In the rain

Until next time,

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